Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Technology Article

The article I used was about how the PlayStation 4 is going to be better and more appealing than the Xbox One. One reason is that Sony (PlayStation) is going to use better hardware than Microsoft (Xbox) is going to use. This makes the graphics of the game you are playing much better. A lot of gamers like to see better graphics on their games. Another reason that was pointed out was that when Sony revealed the PS4 they centered it on what is most important: the games. But when Microsoft released the Xbox they focused on how it will revolutionize TV. This gives a feel that Microsoft doesn't care about using a gaming console for gaming.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Career Clusters

My first result with the most matches was architecture and construction. In this field you design buildings or build them. Either way I would like both. Jobs that go with working for in this field would really only be working for your state. There isn't really any specifics for this field of work. Skill you need for this field would definitely be having to work well with others. Another would be that you have to be flexible. You would have to be creative to have a job like this. And you have to be able to see the finished product in your head.  

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

google drive

In online b we used something called the Google drive to make a project. Now we have to give some feedback so here it is.

What did you like about Google Drive?

There were many things I liked about the Google drive like how it automatically saves your work about every three seconds. That makes it easier and faster to do the work. you don't have to take the time to save. It might not be very much time but every little bit helps. Another reason why this is so good is that you'll never lose you work because it saves all the time. I also like how you can get your work from anywhere you don't have to mess around with flash drives. It makes it so much easier.

Did you like that you and a partner could work on the same documents at once?

I really like the fact that you and a partner can work on the same thing at once. That just the perfect way to save time and get more work done.

What can Google do to improve the Google Drive?

Google has done a great job with this there isn't much more for improving. The most they could do is better and more appealing to people. 

What didn't you like about the Google Drive?
I really did like it a lot and how easy it makes things. I can't complain about it. I don't dislike anything besides the small selection of themes that don't always look the best with what you are doing.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Report or Podcast

I think that the podcast was much easier to me. Although i could  laugh or or say things wrong it wasn't as bad of thinking of a way to put the report. I didn't even like the first report i had so i had to change it the podcast  I already knew what I was doing and saying.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mary Anderson

            Mary Anderson was born in 1866 in Greene Country, Alabama. Her family included her sister and her widowed mother. The three of them built and managed an apartment complex in Alabama. She ended up moving to Fresno, California but found herself at home again to help take care of her sick aunt. She then decided to take a trip to New York City with her friends. She died at the age of 87 in 1953 in Monteagle, Tennessee. She managed the apartments up until her death.

            Her idea came to her on a trip to New York City with her friends. She was riding in a street car and kept seeing drivers, including hers, having to pull over, stop and wipe all of the precipitation off of the windshields. Mary thought that this wasn’t right. She was inspired to change all of the stopping and wiping and then going. She started thinking on how she could stop it. Then she created a device that could wipe off the precipitation. A wood and rubber blade operated by a crank on the inside of the car.

            Other designs were made before hers but she improved them to the point where they actually worked. She applied for a patent in 1904. She tried selling the rights to a Canadian car company. They told her that they weren’t commercial enough and rejected. Her patent seemed worthless since cars weren’t for everyone. Only the upper class citizens and they had drivers for their cars.

            After her patent expired the wipers got really big. Almost every car had them. And they all used her design. Then all cars had to have wipers. If not, you got in trouble. So her design did become big but after her patent expired so she didn’t make any prophet on it. She settled down in Greene Country, Alabama with some trips to her vacation home in Tennessee. She managed he mothers apartments for the rest of her life until her death at age 87 in her vacation home.
work cited
. "Mary Anderson." www.women-inventors.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Feb 2013.
 mary , bellis. "Mary Anderson." about.com. about, n.d. Web. 6 Feb 2013.
"Mary Anderson." mit.edu. inventor archive, n.d. Web. 6 Feb 2013.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

my christmas break

during my break i went to church at midnight on christmas.then i got my favorite gift a charlie conway hockey jersey from the movie the mighty ducks.then i went to cleveland for the day and came back with my cousin brian. he is a year older than me so we have a lot of fun.then my friend ryan came over for new years.


christmas wordle

Wordle: wordle for blog